Dating Advice for Women: 12 Rules You Should Know
Looking for real, no-BS dating advice for women?
I get it.
Figuring out how to be better at dating can be confusing, and you’ll hear all sorts of conflicting advice from your parents, friends, social media, and self-proclaimed experts.
One minute you’re told to “play hard to get,” the next to “be assertive.”
Some say, “Don’t sleep with him too soon,” while others advise, “Show him how much you love sex.”
And let’s not forget the vague, overused wisdom like “Love yourself first.”
It can feel like you’re throwing everything at the wall, hoping something sticks, but nothing seems to work.
On top of that, we often feel pressured to conform to modern dating norms, where we might think we have to be overly accommodating or lower our standards just to find someone.
I’ve been there.
Growing up without much romantic guidance, I turned to books, social media, and so-called experts for dating advice.
In my most embarrassing moments, I even tried mimicking other women’s behavior to attract men.
Looking back now, I cringe at many of the desperate strategies I tried in an attempt to get guys to like me.
Other advice made some sense but wasn’t explained in a way I could actually use properly.
After lots of trial and error and many dates, I finally got a handle on what healthy dating for women really looks like.
Now, I want to share what I’ve learned with you.
In this guide, we’ll cut through the noise and focus on real dating tips any woman can use that put women first, empower you, and make you more confident and attractive to the opposite sex.
Ready to transform your dating life? Let’s dive in.
12 Best Pieces of Dating Advice for Women
1. Be Your Authentic, Best Self
I know you’re probably thinking this is another repetitive tip you’ve heard before, but hear me out.
I put this first because being your true best self is crucial in dating.
As women, we often think we need to follow strict rules to attract a guy.
We might change how we look, act, or what we’re into, thinking it’ll make him like us more.
But the truth is, pretending to be someone you’re not is exhausting, awkward, and most guys can see right through it.
Instead of putting on an act, focus on being the best version of yourself.
This doesn’t mean changing who you are, but rather enhancing what’s already there.
If there are aspects of yourself you’d like to improve, go for it!
Work on becoming more confident in who you are.
Dress in a way that makes you feel good, style your hair, use a little makeup, and maintain good hygiene.
Keep it simple and true to your style.
The key is to present yourself in a way that makes you feel confident and comfortable.
When you’re at ease with yourself, you’re more likely to attract someone who appreciates the real you.
2. Put Yourself First
We ladies often have a bad habit of bending over backwards trying to make a guy happy and win him over when dating.
We get caught up in doing all the things we’re “supposed” to do to show we can be a good girlfriend and why he should choose us.
But let’s take a step back and think … why are we so worried about impressing these guys who are basically strangers?
Instead of focusing on “How can I get him to like me?”, we should be more concerned with our own happiness in dating.
Ask yourself: Do I actually like this guy? Does he meet my needs?
Remember, your happiness matters just as much as his.
Don’t compromise yourself just to win someone over.
When you put yourself first, you show that you value your time and feelings.
This naturally attracts respect in relationships.
3. Don’t Play the “Cool Girl”
We often hesitate to set boundaries or say “no” because we want to be seen as easygoing.
There’s this idea that guys prefer a “cool girl” who’s down for anything and doesn’t put up much of a fuss.
But being a “cool girl” shouldn’t mean compromising your comfort or values.
Know what you want and how you deserve to be treated.
If a guy is consistently late, cancels plans, or treats you poorly, don’t make excuses for him.
Call him out or cut him off.
This isn’t about being difficult; it’s about self-respect.
A guy worth your time will appreciate your self-respect, not see it as a problem.
If someone can’t handle your boundaries or treats you with disrespect, you’re better off walking away.
4. Let Him Do the Chasing
You’ve probably heard guys online complaining that they’re tired of always making the first move.
They say they want women to pursue them and take charge.
As modern women, we might think, “Sure, I’ll step up and go after the guy I want. He’ll be super impressed, right?”
In a perfect world, this would work.
But in reality, this approach can often backfire.
Instead of being wowed, you might end up constantly chasing him while he sits back and watches you jump through hoops.
While men may enjoy the attention and get an ego boost when a woman takes the reins, many lose interest if she becomes the chaser.
That’s because they see women who pursue them as desperate, scamming or ‘too easy.’
So, what’s the smart move?
Let him pursue you.
It’s OK to be a bit flirty and show you’re interested but if you’re always the one texting first, planning dates, or pushing the relationship forward, it’s time to pull back.
Let the guy pick up some of the slack.
This way, you’ll see if he’s genuinely interested and willing to put in effort.
5. Don’t Overthink His Behavior
When you’re excited about a new guy, it’s tempting to want to make sure things are going well.
We often do this by overanalyzing his texts and actions with our friends.
A simple message like “Had a busy day, maybe we can hang out later this week” can turn into an hours-long session of questions: Is he avoiding me? Why “maybe”? Is he unsure? Why didn’t he suggest a specific day?
Instead of obsessing over hidden meanings behind every message or move, try to take things at face value.
If you’re always trying to read between the lines, you might miss the obvious signs or create problems that aren’t really there.
Trust your gut feelings and stay present in the moment.
If he’s interested, his actions will show it clearly.
Remember, a good connection doesn’t usually require a team of detectives to figure it out!
6. Watch What He Does, Not Just What He Says
Don’t get swept away by sweet talk.
Keep your eyes open and see if his actions match his words.
You might meet a guy who, right from the start, tells you how much he likes you.
He talks about being serious and even drops hints about future plans – maybe traveling together or meeting his family.
His messages super sweet, calling you “the one” and talking about building something special.
But when it comes to actually doing things, he’s all over the place.
He often cancels dates at the last minute.
He rarely suggests hanging out.
When important stuff comes up, you’re not at the top of his list.
So while his words paint a picture of love and commitment, his actions tell a different story.
He’s not really putting in the effort to make the relationship work.
Actions speak louder than words.
A guy who’s truly into you will show it – not just say it.
He’ll make time for you, keep his promises, and treat you like a priority.
7. Don’t Try to Fix or Change a Man
As women, we sometimes think we can change or fix a guy, believing he has potential if we can just tweak a few things.
Maybe he’s good-looking and flirty, but he doesn’t have a job and spends all day playing video games.
You might think it’s worth pursuing a relationship with him, hoping you can inspire him to change later.
Or perhaps he’s charming and fun, but says he doesn’t want to settle down, and you believe that if you show him how amazing you are, you can change his mind and get him to commit.
When a guy ticks some of our boxes, we might convince ourselves that we can eventually mold him into what we want.
But here’s the truth: trying to change someone rarely works.
It often leads to frustration and resentment on both sides.
If you find yourself thinking, “He’d be perfect if only he…” it’s time to take a step back.
You’re looking for a partner, not a project.
If his core values or lifestyle don’t match yours, it’s better to accept that and move on.
You deserve someone who’s already a good fit, not someone you need to reshape.
8. Don’t Be Too Available
When you’re into a guy, you might want to spend every second with him.
It’s easy to fall into the trap of always being there when he calls.
You might find yourself dropping plans to see him, texting non-stop, or rushing over for those late-night “wyd” messages.
Being too available often backfires.
While you may want to spend every moment with him, being too available can actually make you seem less interesting.
It gives the impression that you don’t have your own life outside of him.
Instead, keep doing your own thing.
Hang out with friends, pursue your interests, and stick to your plans.
When you have a full, exciting life, you become more attractive.
You’ll have more to talk about, and it gives him a chance to miss you and appreciate the time you do spend together.
Guys are drawn to women who have their own passions and don’t need someone else to complete them.
So next time he asks if you’re free, don’t be afraid to say, “Not tonight, I’ve got plans. How about later this week?”
Your own life is valuable – don’t put it on hold for anyone.
9. Speak Up and Be Clear
Sometimes we hold back our real thoughts or avoid calling guys out on their shit.
We might be scared to rock the boat, so we let things slide or get passive-aggressive, hoping he’ll magically read our minds.
But that’s not the way to go.
When something bugs you, speak up.
Don’t bottle it up or drop hints – that does nothing to get your point across and will only frustrate you both.
Instead, tell him what’s on your mind in a clear, calm way.
For example, if he’s always late, don’t just silently fume.
Say something like, “Hey, when you’re late, it makes me feel like my time isn’t important. Can we work on this?”
It might feel scary at first, but it gets easier with practice.
Plus, it’s way better than letting resentment build up or hoping he’ll suddenly become a mind reader.
10. Don’t Rush the Relationship
When things are going well, it’s tempting to speed things up.
You might want to jump to the next step to feel more secure about where things are heading.
Maybe you’re thinking about having sex on the first date to keep him interested, or you’re itching to make it official after just a couple of weeks.
Slow down, sis!
Early dating should be fun, not a race.
Rushing often leads to rejection because most guys don’t like feeling pushed or hurried.
Plus, quickly rushing through the phases of a relationship takes the fun and anticipation out of it and can come across as desperate.
Instead, enjoy the process of getting to know each other.
Let things unfold naturally.
This gives you both time to figure out if you’re really a good match.
It also builds excitement and can make the connection stronger in the long run.
11. Keep Some Mystery
These days, it’s common to share everything about yourself on social media or with anyone who’ll listen.
When you like a guy, you might want to tell him your whole life story to keep the chat going or get his attention.
You might think about sharing heavy stuff like your struggles with depression, how much you hate your job, or family issues.
Or you might consider talking about your ex or mentioning that hot Tinder date from last weekend.
But honestly, sharing too much too soon isn’t a great idea.
You don’t know how he might use that info, and oversharing could turn him off completely.
Think of it like a movie trailer – you want to show enough to get him interested, but not give away the whole plot.
Some things are better left for later, or maybe just between you and your therapist.
By keeping some things to yourself, you create a bit of mystery that can make things more exciting.
Plus, it gives you both time to build trust before sharing the deeper stuff.
12. Listen to Your Instincts
Sometimes we worry about being too judgmental or offending a guy, so we ignore our gut feelings and brush off red flags.
We tell ourselves everything will be OK or that we’re just overreacting.
But, if something feels off, it probably is.
Your brain is smart.
It picks up on stuff you might not even notice – body language, tone of voice, patterns in behavior.
You’re not consciously analyzing these things, but your subconscious is.
When you get that uneasy feeling, it’s often your brain putting all these little clues together and trying to warn you.
So, if you feel uncomfortable, anxious, or unsettled around someone, pay attention.
Even if everything looks good on paper, your instincts might be trying to protect you from potential trouble.
In Closing
I hope these dating tips boost your confidence and make you feel empowered.
They’re not about tricks to make him like you or how to get him to pick you.
Instead, they focus on building your self-assurance, putting yourself first, and finding men who are right for you.
Let’s face it, in a world of fast-paced, swipe-based hookup culture, we’re all becoming fatigued.
That’s why these tips are what we really need when it comes to dating advice for women.
It’s OK to slow down, prioritize yourself, and expect more from a partner.
There’s nothing wrong with desiring traditional values like mutual respect, effort, and emotional investment in your relationships.
Remember to date with purpose, knowing your worth and not settling for less than you deserve.
The right person will respect that and appreciate you for who you are.
I hope these tips work well for you.
Good luck out there in the dating world!
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