How to Get a Boy to Like You in Middle School: 10 Easy Tips
Feeling a bit excited to learn about how to get a boy to like you in middle school?
It’s totally normal to feel that way!
Sometimes, we really like someone, but they don’t seem to notice us.
When I was in middle school, I felt the same way.
I thought I had to do something special or act differently to get a boy to like me.
But as I got older, I learned some helpful tips that actually work!
And guess what? I’m here to share them with you!
In this article, I’ll give you 10 easy tips on how to make a boy like you.
These tips will help your crush notice you faster.
Plus, I’ll tell you how to tell if your crush likes you back, and what to do if he doesn’t.
Are you ready?
Let’s go!
10 Easy Tips for How to Get a Boy to Like You in Middle School
1. Just Be You!
When you like a boy and want him to like you back, the first thing to remember is to just be yourself.
Think about all the things that make you special and have fun with them.
Whether it’s your funny jokes, how kind you are, or the cool things you can do, be proud of what makes you different.
You want him to like you for who you truly are, not for pretending to be someone else.
Most boys can tell when you’re not being real, and that might not make them like you very much.
2. Be Brave!
I know it can make you really shy and nervous when you really like a boy.
You may compare yourself to other girls and think there’s no way he will like you.
But, remember, it’s so important to believe in yourself and feel good about who you are.
When you’re happy being you, you’ll feel better inside and that’s what makes you shine!
3. Be Friendly!
The next step in getting a boy to like you is all about being friendly and kind.
When you’re friendly and nice to others, they’ll want to be around you.
We all like someone who is really nice, easy to be around, and makes us feel safe.
When someone is kind, it makes us feel good inside.
To be friendlier around your crush, just smile and show him that you enjoy talking to him.
Being nice and understanding can make him feel happy and want to be friends with you.
4. Look Your Best
Waking up early, getting dressed for school, and making yourself look your best isn’t just about getting a boy to notice you.
It’s about feeling great and ready to take on the day.
When you take the time to get ready in the morning, it shows that you care about yourself and how you look.
Looking your best can make you feel really good and super sure of yourself, and others will notice, including the boy you like.
But remember, feeling good about yourself is the most important thing, not just trying to get other people to like you
5. Chat About Fun Stuff You Both Like!
When you’re making friends with a boy, it’s cool to be curious about what he likes.
Ask questions to learn more about him such as what he likes doing for fun, his favorite music, or what games he enjoys playing, and really listen.
If you both like some of the same things, like playing the same games or watching similar shows, it can make you even better friends.
So talk and find out what you both enjoy!
6. Be Playful!
When you want a boy to like you in middle school, it’s fun to show you like him in a playful, flirty way!
Smile at him, give him a nice comment on the cool things he does, or share a friendly joke with him (when joking and teasing with a boy, remember to always be kind, never mean!).
Just let your fun side show to let him know you like him and are easy to talk to.
7. Be a Good Friend!
When you’re trying to make friends with a boy, it’s super important to be there for each other.
Just like how we all love having friends who cheer us on and listen when we need someone to talk to, boys want that too!
They like knowing they have someone who cares and who they can trust.
But here’s the important part – it’s not just about you supporting him.
He should support you too!
Make sure he’s interested in your hobbies, ideas, and dreams.
Friendship works both ways!
Supporting each other can make you feel closer and show that you’re there for each other.
So, when you’re trying to be pals with a boy, remember to be supportive and build a great friendship together!
8. Give Him Space
Even though you really like your crush and want him to like you too, it’s important to give him space while you enjoy your own favorite activities and things that make you happy.
You don’t want to be so focused on him that you forget about what makes you special.
That can be a lot of pressure on him and might make him feel like you depend on him too much, which can be annoying.
Instead, keep doing the things you love and be your own person outside of your crush.
This shows him that you respect his boundaries and care about his feelings, while also letting him see how awesome you are outside of your relationship.
9. Talk and Listen!
If you want a boy to like you, be sure to talk to him openly and honestly.
Sometimes, we might feel nervous about sharing our true thoughts and feelings with boys because we worry it could make them like us less.
But being someone who just agrees with everything he says can be boring.
Instead of hiding what you think, talk openly.
Share your thoughts and feelings with him, and really listen to what he has to say.
Good communication helps build strong friendships and makes it easier to understand each other.
10. Be Patient and Take Your Time
When you’re trying to get closer to a boy, it’s normal to want things to happen quickly so you can feel more sure about how everything is going.
But when you’re building a friendship, it’s important to be patient and let things happen naturally.
Pay attention to how he acts and how he treats you.
Think about how you feel when you’re around him.
Getting to know someone takes time.
When you’re patient and let things happen slowly, it lets you see if you really get along and if your friendship can grow stronger over time.
How to Know if a Boy in Middle School Likes You Back
So now that we talked about the 10 steps for how to get a boy to like you in middle school, you might be wondering if that special boy likes you back?
Here are some signs to look out for:
1. He Pays Attention to You
If he listens carefully when you speak, remembers small things about you, and seems really interested in what you have to say, it’s a good sign that he likes you.
2. He Acts a Little Nervous Around You
Sometimes, boys might feel a little nervous or shy when they’re around a girl they like.
If he starts to stumble over his words or his cheeks turn red, it could mean he has a crush on you!
3. He Finds Reasons to Talk to You
If he goes out of his way to start a conversation with you or tries to spend time with you, it could mean he enjoys your company and wants to get to know you better.
4. His Friends Tease Him About You
Sometimes, friends can give away secrets without even knowing it.
If his friends tease him when you’re around, it might mean they know he likes you!
5. He Shows You Kindness and Respect
A boy who likes you will be kind and respectful.
He’ll treat you well, respect your feelings, and be there to support you when you need it.
Everyone is different, and not all boys show their feelings in the same way.
If you’re not sure how he feels, it’s okay to talk to him about it.
And most importantly, remember to be yourself and have fun getting to know each other!
What To Do When Your Crush Doesn’t Like You Back
It’s tough when you really like a boy, but he doesn’t feel the same way.
Here are some things you can do to help you feel better:
1. It’s Okay to Feel Sad
It’s normal to feel disappointed if your crush doesn’t like you back.
Take some time to let yourself feel those emotions.
2. Focus on Yourself
Instead of thinking too much about it, do things that make you happy.
Hang out with friends, do things you enjoy, and remember what makes you awesome!
3. Remember Your Worth
Just because your crush doesn’t like you back, it doesn’t mean you’re not amazing!
You have lots of great qualities that make you special.
4. Keep an Open Mind
There are so many people you’ll meet throughout your life, and your crush is just one of them.
Keep an open mind and stay open to new friendships and experiences.
5. Talk to Someone You Trust
It can help to talk to a friend, sibling, or a trusted adult about how you’re feeling.
Sometimes, sharing your feelings can make you feel better.
6. Stay Positive
It’s okay to feel sad, but remember that there are so many wonderful things ahead in life.
Stay positive, keep smiling, and know that there’s someone out there who will appreciate you for who you are.
In Closing
Feeling like you want a boy to notice you is totally normal.
But remember, you can’t make someone like you, and you don’t need to.
You’re amazing just the way you are, and the right person will see that!
I hope these tips make you feel more sure of yourself as you try to get noticed by the boy you like.
But the most important thing is to always be true to yourself.
Be kind to yourself, go at your own speed, and know that you deserve to have a boyfriend who likes you for who you are.
So take a deep breath, be kind to yourself, and enjoy the adventure.
You’ve got this!